We fully support the Department of Health and Social Care’s views on open standards

We integrate with leading GP and hospital systems, meaning potentially lifesaving patient data can be accessed by authorised healthcare professionals.

We understand that partnerships are key. We integrate with third party apps and medical devices and we have a number of partners across health and social care. 

We are a signatory of the TechUK Interoperability Charter and we support the Newcastle Declaration

Inhealthcare has open and published APIs for connecting to third party systems, and there is no charge from our side for connectivity. As part of our commitment to open interoperability without commercial barriers, Inhealthcare is a signatory of the TechUK Interoperability Charter, and supports the Newcastle Declaration.

Inhealthcare’s technology provides RESTful and SOAP based web service interfaces over HTTPS to enable application to application communications. The web services support a number of different authentication and authorisation options including BasicAuth, OAuth2 and mutual SSL certificate based authentication.

Inhealthcare has vast experience integrating with different clinical systems. We have integrated with PAS systems using HL7v2 ADT messages, with GP systems using proprietary interfaces, and also with the NHS HSCIC National Spine PDS services which uses HL7v3 and ebXML.

Our integrations


EMIS Web is a provider of primary care clinicals system in the UK. Inhealthcare’s partnership with EMIS allows for the transfer of data collected through Inhealthcare to be passed through into patient records within EMIS, as well as allowing for the import of patient records from EMIS to Inhealthcare.


SystmOne is a provider of primary care clinicals system in the UK. Inhealthcare’s partnership with SystmOne allows for the transfer of data collected through Inhealthcare to be passed through into patient records within SystmOne, as well as allowing for the import of patient records from SystmOne to Inhealthcare.

Hospital PAS systems

Through our open, REST APIs we can integrate into leading hospital systems.

GP Connect

We integrate with GP Connect, a service that enables GP practices and authorised staff to share and view GP clinical information and data between IT systems.

Our integrations continued

Vitalpatch® ECG wearable

As part of our virtual ward offering, we have partnered with MediBioSense for use of the Vitalpatch® wearable patch which has FDA and CE medical approval. It measures eight physiological measurements continuously, in real time.

4S Dawn

Our partnership with 4S Dawn has allowed us to collaborate on the widely used INR self testing service. 4S Dawn provide decision support software that allows anticoagulant dosing to be completed in 30 seconds.

NHS Spine

Our integration with the NHS Spine allows us to pull data from the NHS Spine on behalf of NHS organisations. This can be done on a standalone basis through our spine mini service or can be incorporated into a larger service design. 

SCI Store

We integrate with SCI Store, an information repository that provides clinicians with secure access to patient information at the point of care. SCI Store is implemented in every NHS Health Board in Scotland with over 150 third parties receiving information from the system.

Some of our integrations
SCI Store
NHS Spine
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
GP Connnect
Hospital PAS systems
What makes us different?
  • More than 10 years of experience working with the NHS.

  • Tried, tested and proven technology.

  • Used by 4 million patients across the UK.

  • Unparalleled integration with NHS systems.

  • Digitally inclusive and accessible to all.

  • Services are co-designed with the NHS.

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