BP B6 Connect

Inhealthcare’s Mobile Applications integration with the Microlife BP B6 Connect device to transfer Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and AF readings from the device to the Inhealthcare Mobile Applications and subsequently with your healthcare professional.

OXY 500 BT

Inhealthcare’s Mobile Applications integration with the Microlife OXY 500 BT device to transfer the oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin (SpO2), pulse rate and perfusion index (PI) from the device to the Inhealthcare Mobile Applications and subsequently with your healthcare professional.

NC 150 BT

Inhealthcare’s Mobile Applications integration with the Microlife NC 150 BT device to transfer temperature from the device to the Inhealthcare Mobile Applications and subsequently with your healthcare professional.

WS 200 BT

Inhealthcare’s Mobile Applications integration with the Microlife WS 200 BT device to transfer weight and other body compision measurements from the device to the Inhealthcare Mobile Applications and subsequently with your healthcare professional.

Contour Next

Inhealthcare’s Mobile Applications integration with the Ascensia Contour Next device to transfer Blood Glucose readings from the device to the Inhealthcare Mobile Applications and subsequently with your healthcare professional.

Contour Plus Blue

Inhealthcare’s Mobile Applications integration with the Ascensia Contour Plus Blue device to transfer Blood Glucose readings from the device to the Inhealthcare Mobile Applications and subsequently with your healthcare professional.