Often referred to as NHS number validation or NHS Spine mini services, our NHS Spine look up service enables verification of patient details against the NHS Patient Demographics Service (PDS).

The NHS Spine look up service enables organisations to 

  • Automatically verify an NHS number
  • Search for NHS number based on demographics
  • Search for demographics based on an NHS number

An NHS number is uniquely provided to every individual, and is the only way to accurately identify a patient against the PDS and collate their corresponding information including demographics, address, telephone number, email address, GP practice and complete medical history. 

We offer our Spine look up service to both NHS and private organisations.

Why introduce our NHS number validation service?

Our NHS number validation service enhances efficiency for the informatics team when compared with traditional PDS batch tracing.


Our NHS number validation service improves the accuracy of patient data retrieval when compared with traditional PDS batch tracing.


Our NHS number validation service links every episode of care across all health and social care organisations to form a complete patient record.


Our NHS number validation service enables clinicians to gain real time access to important patient data and safely transfer data across health and social care boundaries.


A patient’s NHS number is a national unique patient identifier which collates corresponding patient information.

Cost saving

The NHS Operating Framework mandates NHS organisation to use the NHS number consistently and non-compliance may result in financial penalty.

NHS Gateway

Our NHS number validation service is a gateway to national NHS IT systems including GP2GP, Choose & Book and electronic prescriptions.

If you want to know more about the INR self-testing service leave your details and we'll be in touch

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